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Parent Teacher Organization

PTO Officers

Jodi Strickland

Christina Castro

Erika Munoz

Cassie Hernandez

Laura Downing

Maricela Zamarippa

Uvalde CISD PTO Email

Upcoming Meetings

All meetings begin at 6:00 pm

November 12th
December 10th
January 14th
February 11th
March 11th
April 8th
May 13th


The purpose of the PTO is to enhance and support the educational experience at Batesville School, Dalton Elementary, Morales Junior High, Uvalde Dual Language Academy, and Uvalde Elementary @ Flores to develop a closer connection between school and home by encouraging parental involvement, and to improve the environment at all UCISD elementary campuses through volunteer and financial support.

PTO What We Do:


ucisd pto write a check campaign are you tired of selling items door to door are you over scheduled with no time to cook for a bake sale with crazy schedules no time for volunterring or running any thons we have decided to directly just ask for family donation please help ucisd pto reach our fundraising goal by submitting an amount of your choice via check or square online octover 17 november 7 how to donate  you can scan the qr code below click the attached link or you may just provide your cam
ucisd pto campana de escriber un cheque estas cansado de vender articulos de puerta en puerta tienes demasiadas actividades programadas y no tienes tiemp para cocinar para una venta de pasteles debido a nuestros horarios complicados sin tiempo para ser valuntarios o realizar maratones hemos decidido pedir donaciones directamente a los familiares ayuda al pto de ucisd a alcanzar nuestra meta de recaudacion de fonos enviando una cantidad de su eleccion mediante cheque o square en linea 17 de octub

