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Child Nutrition

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The Uvalde CISD Food Service Department prepares nutritious and delicious meals for our students and staff. Because nutrition has a direct impact on student learning, we make it our goal to guarantee that all children have daily access to breakfast and lunch.


Richard Castle
830-591-4913 Ext. 1417

Mayra Perez
830-591-4913 Ext. 1414

Norma Luna
Food Service Coordinator
830-591-4913 Ext. 1412

Cafeteria Managers

UDLA- Barbara Schmitt
Batesville- Linda Reavis
Dalton- Reina Pizarro
Crossroads- Guadalupe Gonzalez
Uvalde Elem. @Flores- Tanya Canales
MJH- Lupita Estrada
UHS- Olga Cardoza

Uvalde CISD Menus/Lunch Money Now Online Payments

Nutrislice Click Here for Menus
lunch money now online payments